
Showing posts from September, 2018


                    • Grace :    the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the   bestowal of blessings. Dignify, Honor, Favor. Grace is such a beautiful concept, it has such a strong meaning, that I absolutely love but where I totally fail. When my sister was pregnant with my niece, she knew her name was going to be Gabriela but she was in need of a middle name.  (all her kids have two middles names, one for the day of the week they were born in  Swahili and a regular middle name that means something special) So we all started looking for middle names before the baby was born.  To my delight she chose my suggestion, Grace and it rhymes beautifully - Gabriela Grace.  I have always find the meaning of Grace so beautiful, I was giving Salvation by Grace only, I did not deserve it and trust me, I know I did not deserve it.  ( yes I'm a Christian, if you a...

a Bowl of Chili

My little one loves a bowl of Chili accompanied by two slices of fresh bread. So when the weather changes to a more colder one, this becomes a family favorite. Here is my quick easy recipe that might not be as it is made in the south or somewhere else, but it is what works for a busy mom that many times has no time to cook something too elaborate. I usually have all the veggies cut for the week in the fridge to make my cooking time easier. Feel free to toss everything in a slow cooker and let it sit for 6 hrs if you prefer. INGREDIENTS • 1/2 lbs of ground beef (sometimes I buy ground turkey) • 1 cup each of minced/cube cut                                  - Onions                                  - Peppers Red/yellow/green                         ...

Back to blogger

A few bloggers that stopped writing a while back decided to get together to start blogging again, once a month. I, among those.  I was invited to participate by MademoiselleAlex You can find the initiative HERE in case you want to join in. I liked the idea, therefore I started this blog.  Remember that on my first post I said I was going to tell you more about it later on?! - Well, today is that day. Every month we will blog about an specific key word but within our perspective.  Then we will guide you through the list of bloggers participating so you can visit them and see their own post. My only humble request is that you visit and comment on the blogs participating so we can evaluate the traffic and see if this initiative is worth the effort. I thank you so much in advance and wish you a blessed rest of the week! REGRESANDO A BLOGGER Algunos bloggers que dejaron de escribir hace un tiempo, decidieron reunirse para comenzar a bloguear de nuevo, una vez al...

Be intencional!

There are certain materials that are hard to knit, some you might not even know how to knit or you are just skeptical to try. Ask questions to the pros! Instagram is a great tool to ask questions, post a picture, wait a few days for the answer and then decide what to do. You are not loosing anything, you will earn knowledge that you currently do not have. I personally like to ask questions, even though I have knitted for over 30 years, I do not know everything, but I surely like to learn. I asked on Instagram on a Story post how to knit certain yarn that to me looked more like a sewing garland then a yarn but my mom insisted it was a yarn.  Sure enough she was right. Let me tell you a bit about this material... Mom is the queen of Yar sales/Garage sales, in some of those outing she found this funny looking yarn, in two colors. Red - only one ball White - 5 balls Fluffy, cute but weird She does knit too but I guess when she actually wanted to knit this material, it wa...