
• Grace : the free and unmerited favor of God, as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. Dignify, Honor, Favor. Grace is such a beautiful concept, it has such a strong meaning, that I absolutely love but where I totally fail. When my sister was pregnant with my niece, she knew her name was going to be Gabriela but she was in need of a middle name. (all her kids have two middles names, one for the day of the week they were born in Swahili and a regular middle name that means something special) So we all started looking for middle names before the baby was born. To my delight she chose my suggestion, Grace and it rhymes beautifully - Gabriela Grace. I have always find the meaning of Grace so beautiful, I was giving Salvation by Grace only, I did not deserve it and trust me, I know I did not deserve it. ( yes I'm a Christian, if you a...