FFFFFFFFFingerless Mitts
I always think that if I commit to something, I really need do my best to comply. I know we do have life outside of this cyber world but I usually encourage my kids to follow true on their word. But boy, this month was hard for me on our back to blogger challenge, because I had nothing, nada, niet, rien... I wanted to change things a bit, come out of my comfort zone and try something different, but not, here I am with my knitting. So without further ado, My fingerless mittens This was made with 49 stitches, 24 stitches on each side, one for the thumb with increases before and after that stitch, until desire size. Siempre pienso que si me comprometo con algo, realmente necesito hacer todo lo posible para cumplir. Sé que tenemos vida fuera de este mundo cibernético, pero generalmente animo a mis hijos a que sean fiel a su palabra. Pero wow, este mes fue difícil para mí el desafío de "back to blogger", porque no tenía nada, nothing, niet, rien ... Quería ca...