
Showing posts from October, 2019

Hat, a Fall/Winter affair

I want to apologize for the late post, supposedly I left it ready to load this morning, early but something went wrong and did not post - Quiero Disculparme por lo tarde de esta entrada, la programe para que saliera en la mañana, pero algo sucedio y no salio. x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x This post is part of the Back to Blogger incentive.  This month with the letter  H I love hats, hats are my second favorite knitted accessory for Fall and specially for Winter.  They are so versatile and also you can make them with very little material.  Either in yarn or thread. I started one that I love, because you can use bits of left over and get an amazing combination. Sunset Hat on Ravelry I have not finished mine but wanted to share cause I'm knitting it with this palette that lately yarn clubs sell by bits. Updated - Actualizado  Finished hat - Gorro terminado This was a present for my nephew’s bday - Fue un regalo para mi sobrino en su cumpleaños  I also wanted...